Inspired by the Irish Goddess DANU
In Irish mythology, Danu is a hypothetical mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Though primarily seen as an ancestral figure, some Victorian sources also associate her with the land.

A venture fuelled by empowerment & collaboration
As head of the tribe Tuatha Dé Danann, the Celtic goddess DANU embodies female empowerment, reflecting a creative venture led by an Irish woman with roots at home, experience abroad and aspirations that span the globe. While the tribal vibe is true to the brand’s philosophy of collaboration and curation, DANU brings together a unique array of talent and expertise, carefully selected with the client’s own personal taste and character in mind.
And so DANU Collective was born…..

We tell stories, full of adventure &
filled with soul
The DANU Collective studio is a creative consultancy dedicated to providing clients in the luxury-lifestyle space with the highest level of personalised service, uniquely tailored to help find their voice and tell their story. With an emphasis on collaboration, we believe that a thoughtful and integrated approach to marketing, communications and sensory experiences achieves the greatest impact through evocative storytelling, filled with adventure and full of soul. It drives differentiation and brings to life a distinct personality for you or your brand.

A boutique & personalised approach
Our approach is hands-on, as we view each project as a new and exciting opportunity to embark on a journey of discovery to unearth what you stand for and how you want your audience to feel.
By listening carefully, we work through a client’s fundamental vision. We build an overarching narrative and experiential blueprint that can be translated across all communication channels. This includes the multi-faceted marketing mix and event programming, to deliver the consistency and synergy that ties all platforms together.